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Developing a Dynamic Global Intranet for Goethe-Institut




Goethe-Institut, a worldwide non-profit organisation, required a vibrant and engaging global intranet portal to replace their outdated existing intranet. The new intranet needed to encourage participation and contribution from employees worldwide. The project aimed to digitise numerous components that previously existed in paper form or as Excel worksheets and to introduce a new employee news channel and navigation functions for the extensive site structure.

Goethe-Institut e.V.

Language Education

Developing a Dynamic Global Intranet for Goethe-Institut

Munich, Germany

The Goethe-Institut, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is the cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. It promotes the study of the German language abroad and encourages international cultural exchange and relations. The institute provides language courses, teacher training, and various cultural programs, fostering a global dialogue and understanding.


Working closely with the customer, we developed and specified the detailed requirements for the project. We utilised the latest web technologies to implement SharePoint Farm Solutions for SharePoint 2010, ensuring a modern and scalable intranet platform.

Key features of the intranet included:

  • Employee News Channel: A dynamic channel for disseminating news and updates to employees.

  • Quick-Entry Navigation: An intuitive navigation function to easily access the extensive site structure.

  • Marketing Portal: A dedicated portal for marketing departments worldwide to download branding files and upload marketing materials for sharing across different countries.

  • Business Administration Manual Portal: An extensive internal manual for business administration, equipped with advanced search capabilities to facilitate easy access to information.


The new global intranet portal significantly enhanced communication and collaboration within Goethe-Institut. Employees experienced a more interactive and engaging platform, encouraging participation and contribution. The digital transformation replaced outdated paper forms and Excel worksheets with modern tools, streamlining various processes. The marketing portal facilitated global collaboration, while the business administration manual portal improved access to critical information. Overall, the new intranet portal provided a robust, user-friendly, and efficient platform that aligned with the organisation’s goals for innovation and connectivity.

In 2013, this intranet portal won 1st place in the prestigious IntraNET Award.

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