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Enhancing SharePoint Intranet with PnP.Search




This architectural firm sought support to improve their existing SharePoint intranet and boost productivity within their Microsoft 365 environment. They needed assistance in restructuring the SharePoint site architecture and implementing a PnP.Search solution.

An architectural service business

Architectural Services

Enhancing SharePoint Intranet with PnP.Search

Hamburg, Germany

An architectural firm located in Hamburg, Germany, is dedicated to creating meaningful and site-specific architecture. The firm focuses on educational buildings, residential projects, and special constructions, emphasizing the stimulating power of good architecture to enhance community and individual growth.


We provided comprehensive support through the following measures:

  • Restructuring the SharePoint Site Architecture: In multiple workshops, we developed an optimised site architecture to enhance navigation, access, and usability, aligning with the organisational requirements.

  • Implementing the PnP.Search Solution: We enhanced the search functionality by implementing a PnP.Search solution, enabling more efficient and effective information retrieval.

  • Integrating Microsoft Teams: We integrated Microsoft Teams with the new SharePoint intranet structure, ensuring seamless collaboration and communication across the company.


The newly implemented SharePoint intranet structure and improved PnP.Search solution significantly increased the productivity of the architectural firm. The integration with Microsoft Teams facilitated better collaboration and streamlined workflows. As a result, the firm experienced enhanced information management and overall efficiency in their operations, fully leveraging the potential of their Microsoft 365 environment.

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